turning your body into a compass

- I loved working on turning your body into a compass as Associate Producer and Outreach Coordinator. At the end of the performance, I moderated a live conversation between writer, Catherine Filloux, and special guests Erika Andiola (RAICES) and Grahame Russell (Rights Action.)    

This web story was performed live as a 360° online experience. You can watch the archived production + live talkback on a computer, smartphone, and VR headset for free (on YouTube) here.

- “Against the backdrop of this country’s escalating crackdown on immigrants, Jean, a human rights advocate, and Sophie, a neuroscientist, join forces to sound the alarm over the irreparable damage current separation and deportation policies inflict on children, altering their brain development in ways that will affect them for the rest of their lives.”


My Take: Mentorship has Changed the Way I View Collaboration

- You can read my full article on my relationship with Catherine Filloux, and my experience working on turning your body into a compass at The Light Leaks.

- “Sitting in a space that is wholly new to me, an art and technology space called CultureHub, I can’t quite wrap my head around how I, an actress and fairly new playwright, became the associate producer and outreach coordinator of a livestream theater piece. In the past, I’ve attended different kinds of production meetings as an actor. I’ve also taken notes in these kinds of settings in the professional world, while working as a production assistant. Yet I’d never had a literal and figurative seat at the table, during the pre-production process for a project of this magnitude, until now.” 


Beyond Borders: Women’s Stories and the Art of Bearing Witness

- In 2021, I moderated a talk at the Fordham Hall Forum on Catherine Filloux’s work in both the U.S. and Cambodia. We discuss turning your body into a compass, along with Catherine’s her work addressing issues of memory and complicity in relation to the experiences of Cambodians who suffered at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. We are also joined by Mu Sochua, a Cambodian politician and rights activist. Watch at the link here.